
Showing posts from July, 2017

Blog 6 - Investigation Questions Whether District Meets Needs of Bilingual Students

Upon finding and reading, I found this article very interesting and very relevant to what we are learning about this year.  This article explains how Chicago Public Schools are being audited and assessing their ability to provide services for students who are English Language Learners.  I know that so often we are hearing about budget issues in schools and not having enough jobs out there but when you really start to dissect some of these schools it is amazing to see how short we are falling of reaching the needs of our ELL students.  I'm sure there are other groups of students that are often not addressed like ELL students, but it is not fair to any of them to be put aside or not made a priority / become an afterthought. Part of me is curious from reading this if there are just not enough ELL teachers out there to help meet the need.  I know this is one of the bigger growing departments as far as educators go.  When I was in college this was barely an area that I had even heard